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coaching and technique development


I am an acting coach in Los Angeles working with actors of all levels but mainly focused on coaching working actors and actors with representation who are actively auditioning. I help actors craft well-prepared, truthful auditions and execute self-tapes that reflect the actor’s talent and quality of work.

My gift is identifying what is in the actor’s way and offering tools to help them overcome blockages and self-consciousness in their work. I’m an expert in script analysis, imagination development, emotional preparation and also teach how to trust your preparation and live fully unanticipated moment to unanticipated moment.

I’m available for general private coaching or audition coaching/self-tape help, in-person or via zoom.

Private General Coaching

I'll work with you one-on-one to develop technique and make you an overall more truthful, connected actor. We'll work on truthful behavior, listening, trusting your impulses and emotional truth, emotional preparation and committing to imaginary circumstances. A la carte price is $125/hour or you can purchase a package of six session at $115/hour ($690 in total).

Self-Tape Services

We can tape your audition in studio, or I can help you remotely over zoom as your virtual coach and off-camera reader. I recommend jumping into your self-tape right after a coaching and using me as your reader while it's still fresh. Same rate as audition coaching - $95/hour.

Audition Coaching

One-on-one help crafting and prepping your audition. I'll meet you where you are - whether it's help with comedy, emotional preparation, understanding the character, breaking down the scene - the goal is to always bring yourself to the role so you give the most truthful, stand-out performance.

Teen Classes

My twice-monthly teen class is perfect for the teen actor who needs development in technique and an opportunity to work with other actors as opposed to only getting practice in when auditioning. The actors in this class are not treated like kids - they have the same curriculum as the adult actors. Serious actors (aspiring or working) only please.

The independent acting coach for actors everywhere!

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